Friday, February 27, 2015

Eugenie Kitchen: Heart Egg Snacks!

Here is the heart-egg snack. Interesting idea, right?

How to make . . . Tortilla Soup!

This is a cool how-to on tortilla coup. Enjoy! 

Eugenie Kitchen: Crepe Heart Cake!

Here is another Eugenie Kitchen video; this time on her crepe-heart cake!

Eugenie Kitchen: Holiday Logs!

Here are two videos of the holiday log cakes that Eugenie Kitchen makes. One is slightly more generic than the first and elaborates more. Enjoy!

Cute, right?

Eugenie Kitchen: Heart and Sprinkle Cookies!

I am now, in addition to just doing how-to's, am also going to be posting videos of this cooking webcast called 'Eugenie Kitchen'. My first one will be this . . .

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How to make . . . Triple Chocolate Mouse Dessert!

A yummy how-to on this classic dessert; with a new twist! Enjoy!

Just a note . . .

Just going to say this now: sorry about neglecting this blog a little bit. I promise to pick it up again. This month I am taking a break from my 'around the globe' thing. Next month I will do Europe, but this month will just be a moge-poge of randomness. Anyways, enjoy this mystery how-to!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Strawberry-Banana Blast Smoothie

Serves: 2-4 people

- 1 1/2 cups strawberries
- 1-1 1/2 bananas
- 3/4 cup vanilla or strawberry yogurt
- 1 cup milk (skim milk, if desired)
- 1 cup ice
- 1/2 cup sugar

1. Get out a blender and combine the milk and yogurt.
2. Now, add in the strawberries, banana, and sugar. Blend well.
3. Add in the ice last. Blend until there are no more lumps. Then plop on a dash of whipped cream and serve!