- 8 slices of prepackaged ham
- 4 small tortillas
- 4 dollops of sour cream
- 2 1/2 cups of shredded cheese
- a big bag of lettuce
- 2 cup of beans
- 2 medium-sized tomatoes
- 1 1/2 cups of salsa
- 1 avocado
- 1 1/2 cups of diced chicken
1. Take out a plate and put your tortilla on it, flat.
2. Spread two pieces of ham on it, also flat.
3. Now, cut up all your lettuce until it is in tiny strips (around 2 inches long and 1/2 inch thick) and put a fourth of it onto the ham and tortilla.
4. In a separate bowl, mix together your avocado and salsa into a green, lumpy concoction.
5. Take your tomatoes and cut them into thin slices. Put 1/4 of your slices on your tortilla.
6. Divvy up everything else that hasn't been used yet into fourths and put it on your rolls.
7. Repeat all the steps (except for steps 4, 3, and 5; your measurements for 3 and 5 are already made, just put your fourths on each tortilla) three times more.
8. Stick in a toothpick to hold it together until it will be eaten and presto; you're done!
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